Monday, March 25, 2024

The Ring...


It’s been almost three years since my husband passed. I still wear my wedding ring. I have no desire to take it off. I still consider myself to be his wife. That was the deal we made.

“Widow” is such an awkward and uncomfortable word for me to use. When I talk to new people – repairmen, neighbors, random folks I encounter – about some past experience, I still refer to “my husband”. Because that’s who he is. I don’t sleep on his side of the bed, I don’t sit in his seat at the dinner table. When I sit at his computer to pay bills, I still respect his space.

Friends and well-meaning people ask why I still wear the ring. There are so many reasons, but the weight of it feels right and natural to me. When I take it off for any reason, I miss it and it goes right back on. Maybe it’s a selfish thing. Its presence protects me from unwelcome conversations with random people and I like that.

I’m not delusional or in denial. I know he’s no longer here on earth with us and I know he won’t ever walk through the door. In 2001, when we promised each other forever, I meant it. He’s gone, but he’s still my husband. He’s still my kids’ father. So the ring stays.

Maybe, one day, I’ll be ready to move forward. Then, I guess, the ring will go into my jewelry box for safe keeping. Until then, it stays on the ring finger of my left hand where it belongs.


  1. In your own time. If you never take it off, that’s your choice.

  2. I feel the same way. Thank you for expressing your (and mine) thoughts about true love..

  3. I totally get and honor that. Hugs Terri.

  4. I understand this completely. Thinking of you and Carlos and your love.
