Friday, January 3, 2014

Movin' On Up...

Every year on New Years Eve, I try to find a moment of quiet (between neighborly fireworks) for a bit of meditation to reflect on the year behind me and get a grip on the one ahead of me.  As it happens, I’ve learned that the message I seek for myself usually expands to those close to me as well.  Since the blogosphere is probably already littered with Happy New Year posts, I thought I may as well share the message I got for 2014.

Anyone who knows me certainly knows by now that messages come to me in really kooky ways. I get cartoon images. I get movie scenes. Whatever it takes to make me see, right?

In the case of 2014, it’s music. When I asked what this year is all about, I was immediately hit with the theme song to The Jeffersons. That’s right. “Movin’ on up!” That segued into the old Coca Cola commercial from the 70s with young shiny happy people holding hands and wishing to teach the world to sing. Next came a medley from the Beatles…a bit of “I Want To Hold Your Hand” and a bit of “Help!”

What the hootin’ hell holler? What am I supposed to do with that!?!

But then it started to make sense. We ARE moving up. All of us. For some of us, it’s obvious…jobs, opportunities, adventures. For some it’s more subtle, but it’s still upward movement.

So what about those damn Coca Cola kids? I think they just represent an opening. Open eyes. Open hearts. Open minds. Open to give. Open to receive. They’re all about love and sharing. So it makes sense how The Beatles tie in.

We’re all rising up. Not exactly a phoenix out of the ashes, but maybe a duck rising from a stagnant pond. There hasn’t been a lot of movement for most of us in a long time, but we’ve gotten restless enough to MAKE things happen. And a lot of that making things happen comes from reaching out to others.

When we think of reaching out, we usually think that means ASKING for help. But sometimes it really just means finally being willing to ACCEPT help. Sometimes help we didn’t see coming or didn’t know we needed.

My situation is pretty evident. After waiting and waiting and waiting for the Right and Perfect opportunity, the Right and Perfect job has presented itself.  There were a lot of disappointments along the way, but if I know anything, it’s that Right and Perfect doesn’t care abut my calendar or my watch, but it comes when it’s…well…right and perfect.
Even if it doesn’t *seem* like an obvious upward movement, it’s happening to all of us.
If we all look around, we’ll see that we’re gaining altitude. Each time we reach our hands out to help someone else. We’re rising. Each time we reach out to comfort, we’re rising.

So this year, lets keep our eyes, hearts, minds and hands open. The boosts upward are going to come from some unexpected sources, but they’re going to come. When you notice that you’re rising, take a minute to enjoy the view and be grateful. Then you’ll rise some more.

So there we go. George Jefferson, Coca Cola, and John/Paul/George/Ringo can’t be wrong!

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