Sunday, March 15, 2020

Fear Itself...

Well, these are crazy times, aren't they? In my lifetime, I remember a series of events that had the human collective terrified. I guess it's a fairly natural reaction to fear the unknown but it's never been my first reaction. I remember angry lines for gas, fear over any number of newly encountered threats, blackouts, violence, and even disease. Fear just has never been in my arsenal of reactionary tools.

As the world is discovering the latest threat, I just keep hearing the voice of FDR saying “The only thing we have to fear itself!” I couldn't agree more. I don't say that to dismiss the serious issue at hand. Obviously, this latest health concern is a big deal. It's unknown and it's scary and we have a lot to learn. That's what I choose to do: learn. I do what I can to do my part, I practice good hygiene, take care in my interactions and care for those around me. That's all I am meant to do. To live, to love and to practice kindness along the way. I will not allow fear to enter my space.

I've written about this before and I say it all the time, There's not place in my world for fear. Not afraid.

I can't pretend to know what the greater Universal plan is for this latest concern but from where I sit right now, it seems that it may just be the incentive people need to stop for a minute. Look around. See what matters and let go of what doesn't. Look a stranger in the eyes as you pass them from a “safe” distance. Be thoughtful. Be kind. To borrow bumper sticker wisdom, Be The Change You Hope To See In The World.

We are resilient beings and we will get through this and be stronger on the other side of it. Hang on to the humanity and shake off the fear.

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