I haven’t written here in a while. Mostly, because the world outside my front door has gone mad and it’s difficult to gather my thoughts in any sensible way. But I’m now thinking that if everyone else is dishing out ridiculous behavior, why should I try to make any sense?
Looking back, I realize that the way I’ve survived – the way I’ve thrived – throughout my life is through laughter. It’s the best medicine, right? When things get rocky, I find the humor. Puns, jokes, silly faces, funny songs, and cartoons strengthen me
When humorless monsters are handing out fear and angst, I say “no, thanks” and burst out into “Boom Boom Ain’t It Great To Be Crazy”. When yet another dark news story comes on, I flip the channel to The Simpsons. Thank goodness for YouTube, because I can always find a song that will hug my heart.
I’m certainly not ignoring the serious things that are happening in the world. Joy and laughter give me the strength to face it and fight it. I fight with my vote, my voice, and, sometimes. Nerf guns and silly string. I’d love to be able to shove a cream pie into certain faces but DC is pretty far away and I’d never waste good pie.
I think we’re all at a loss for what we can do or should do. For me, I maintain my faith in humanity and trust that things will be righted. Meanwhile, I embrace the silly. I will laugh. I will play. No one has ever accused me of being appropriate. Why start now?