When I find myself in times of trouble, words of wisdom DO come to me. They don’t come from Mother Mary, they come from Grandma and Grandpa, and they come from my own mother. Mostly, they just come from unknown wisdom of the past.
The older I get, the more regularly these things pop out of my mouth. My kids often ask why I say these “random” things and I tell them these are hard earned life lessons and that one day, they’ll be repeating them, too. This information was shared from generation to generation. I’ve heard them all my life and they still ring true.
I’m sure some of these tidbits developed because, once upon a time, the masses were largely illiterate, but the lessons still needed to be taught. Rhymes and repetition work well for the human memory. When I'm using a screwdriver, I know – because my mother knew, and her parents before her knew, Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty. Before I pull out scissors or a saw, I know to Measure Twice, Cut Once.
I learned the HOMES to remember the great lakes, and in music, I learned that Every Good Boy Does Fine. These things may seem silly, but they do implant valuable information into my brain and I pull it out regularly with gratitude for the school teachers who planted those seeds. I can actually picture the faces of the tired teachers who rattled those things off.
Not everything came from family or school. The greatest teacher is life and if you’re paying attention, these lessons sneak in when you’re not looking. I find myself telling my kids – and sometimes random strangers – that Can’t Never Could, You Won’t Know Unless You Try, Every Journey Begins With A First Step, and that When You Know Better, You Do Better. Sometimes these tidbits are met with rolling eyes and/or polite smiles, but that’s okay. I know I’m planting seeds and that, one day, they will be harvested when the time is right.
I don’t care if these words of wisdom are attributed to me. I just know that it’s important to share them because on the road we travel, If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone, If You Want To Go Far, You Go Together.