My daughter just returned from a trip out west with her
Grandma and aunt. Before they left, she asked what she’d see out there so I
described the miles and miles of Kansas and the Colorado mountains and lakes. I
said she’d see cows and maybe even a tumbleweed. Then I had to describe what
tumbleweed was and that it went where the breeze took it and one never knew
where it would turn up. As it happened, she DID get to see one.
Talking about this took me on a trip down memory lane and I recalled that there was a time when my brother Matt called me Tumbleweed Terri. At that time in my life, I moved often and, at one point, I had a job that took me all over North America. This was before cell phones or internet so unless I sent a postcard or thought to check in, my family rarely knew where I might be.
Obviously, a lot has happened since then. I settled, made friends, got married to a terrific guy, had children, and lived a couple of lifetimes in the same town, in the same house, going to the same grocery store and mowing the same lawn The same isn’t all bad. I’ve also made great friends and had a pretty fun life. But I wonder – what ever happened to that tumbleweed?
I think she’s still alive in there somewhere deep inside. Maybe when I’m finished being responsible and predictable, the wind will blow once again. I don’t know where that breeze will take me but I suspect I’ll let it blow and hope I’ll land someplace where I’ll be able to check in and have visits with friends and family along the way.
I hope tumbleweeds are welcome at the beach because I suspect that’s where my breeze will blow. Someday.