As I once mentioned here, I’ve been in the proximity of a lot of interesting people over the years. Lately, I’ve found myself talking about these encounters more and more,
Mostly, these stories come up as an explanation about why I know some specific information that maybe not everyone has available. It’s not that I’ve studied or researched these things. I was just in the room. While there, I paid attention.
When I share information, I’m often told that I should write a book. But these encounters – no matter how interesting – were brief and fleeting. Tiny little morsels that may be tasty but don’t amount to ingredients for a book. Still, I don’t mind passing out free samples.
Yes, I found my way on to the great Bill Monroe’s bus, shook hands with Muhammed Ali, napped in the rehearsal space of funk masters, and spent lovely moments with poets, politicians, and corporate leaders. I’ve gained something from every single encounter.
Isn’t that the point of it all? Every day, people cross our paths – or we cross theirs. Maybe those people are famous. Maybe they’re known only to their family and friends. They ALL have something to offer if only we keep our eyes and ears open.
When I first came to Atlanta, I worked at a hotel where “famous” people lived. I became friends with them and saved tidbits of their words but you know who taught me the most? Mama, the breakfast cook in the kitchen. Yes, she tried to teach me how to make fluffy biscuits and delicious collard greens but she also taught me patience and resilience.
Her faith strengthened her through hard times. Meanwhile, the gentle and kind owners taught me that no matter how difficult the path ,love and kindness will get you where you’re going with unexpected rewards along the way.
Looking back, I can clearly see so many examples of help I received along my way here. Maybe it was just a brief moment of levity that came when I most needed it. Maybe it was a literal hand up when I stumbled. Maybe it wasn’t about me at all! Maybe that short time spent with a stranger was for THEM.
One thing I’ve learned to be true is that I am always where I’m supposed to be. So doesn’t that mean everyone else in the room is supposed to be there, too? If that’s true, then we’re all in this room together. Maybe we’re meant to learn from one another, Maybe we’re just here to hold each other up. Maybe they’ll go home and talk about meeting this strange lady in the room. Maybe we were there together for another person. Imagine being in the room and not paying attention!
Whether the room is a grocery line or an actual room, I will continue to be open. Open eyes, open ears, open heart. You can learn a lot by just being in the room.