I'm a happy person. I choose to be
happy. I'm not happy by accident. It's not magic or luck. I just
choose it. It's not particularly hard and it's not something I work
at. It's simply a choice.
I don't even think too hard about it.
I just go there, The only struggle is in trying to understand why
everyone else doesn't choose it for themselves.
My life is not
perfect. Like most people, I have concerns – about loved ones,
about finances, about health, about responsibilities – the usual
things. No one has a perfect life. I just don't see the point in
unhappiness. What purpose does it serve? If we all have challenges,
how does facing them with negativity benefit the situation?
I'm human. Naturally, I have moments
of wallowing in my misery. I just don't have the patience or the
stomach for it for very long. So, after I've rolled around in the
woe until I can't take the stench anymore, I get up, wash off the
grime, and get back to living.
I'm also a realist. I don't believe
that a smile makes the bad stuff disappear. But I do believe in the
strength and power that comes from happiness. It's contagious. If
my happiness in an otherwise low moment can push me through, then
that's the route I'll take. When someone else comes along and smiles
with me, then that just strengthens my resolve.
There's power in unity. If one smile
sparks another, it doesn't take long to fill the dark space.
Kindness and happiness are powerful tools and/or weapons.
Again, I'm not so naive as to think
that my happiness is going to change the world but if it makes my
challenges easier to face, or if I can plant the seed for someone
else, aren't we all better for it?
There's nothing forced or false here.
No matter what my current struggle may be, I don't have to look too
far to see someone who's been dealt a worse hand. That awareness
makes it easier to hold my chin up and smile through whatever ordeal
I must face.
Obviously, not everyone subscribes to
my happiness theory and many prefer to scowl, complain, argue, or to
actively spoil any peace they encounter. I can't stop them. But I
can firmly plant my feet on the ground, hold my head high, and greet
them with a smile. It may not change their demeanor, but it will
definitely strengthen mine.
In the end, isn't that what it's all
about? Sharing comfort, sharing joy, sharing light creates a garden
of beauty and pleasure for ALL to enjoy. When we were all kids,
didn't we sing about it? “If you're happy and you know it, then
you really ought to show it.” Seems like good advice. If
you're happy and you know it, pass it on.