Sunday, October 6, 2024


I recently talked about Edgewood – our holding place between our midwestern hometown and our new home in Baltimore. The adventures didn’t end there. We eventually made it into our Hamilton neighborhood where we replanted our roots.

I remember walking into the house for the first time. It was – to my young eyes – a gorgeous mansion! At the entrance atop a short flight of concrete stairs, was a lovely screened porch! This would become my new favorite place - a playground that held my beloved toys but also a great place to look out at the world and see neighbors passing by. Beyond the porch was the entryway that everyone passed through.

Inside, there was a formal parlor. Maybe others would call it something else but this room was only used for special guests. It had a gas fireplace, built in bookshelves and was very grown up. Next, was the living room (which may now be called a family room or a great room) that would become the place to flop on the couch, watch television, play board games, or nestle on the built in window seat to read or color.

Walk past the staircase, and you’re in the dining room at the back of the house. This room had windows to view the back yard. It wasn’t a fancy room but it held the giant table (made from motel doors) with long benches where meals were eaten and homework was done.. On the other side of the swinging door was the long, narrow kitchen. At one end of the kitchen was a door that led to the back yard. At the other end, there was a door to the basement. The basement held the laundry and a lone toilet on a pedestal. Next to this throne was the Zappa Crappa poster with Frank on the john.

One thing about this house that made it special for our big family was the intercom that reached every floor. It made calling people to dinner easy! One was mounted next to the telephone in the dining room, one in the second floor hallway (next to another wall mounted telephone!) and one on the third floor. This was especially handy to find out who was there when people came knocking at the door.

The second floor had 3 bedrooms – one for my mom, one for my brothers, and one for us girls. Bunkbeds for the win! At one end of the hallway was the only bathroom in the house. At the other end, was a window that led out to the roof. We kids spent a lot of time hanging out on that roof. From there, we could watch fireworks at the Oriole stadium, we could shout at our friends walking by, or we could moon the neighbors. The possibilities were endless!

Beyond the house was a whole world that was new to most of us. At the top of the hill was the elementary school where – beyond school - I spent a lot of time. I rollerskated, rode my bike, and used the swing set and playground. We explored the dumpsters and found great treasure! Drawing paper, perfectly usable crayons and pencils, books, etc. There was no end to what we might find! Across from the school, was Sal’s - a convenience store with a deli. Anytime we had a little extra change in our pockets, we’d empty it in exchange for RC Cola, candy, or a sub. The library was a short bike ride away

As my older siblings quickly made friends, the third floor of our home became the place to be. It makes sense since this is where the drums, guitars, amps, and various and sundry music and noise makers were found. Cards were played, beer was chugged, brotherhoods were built. This may be a good time to point out that this part of the house was quite haunted and all of this teen energy surely fueled that activity.

The Albert house had always been welcoming to anyone who needed a safe place to lay their heads. At one point, my mother brought home a young couple and their new baby to stay with us while they found their own home. They briefly settled in our parlor. In the late 70s, bringing a black family into a white home wasn’t really done and I’m sure there were whispers from some neighbors about it. I think my mother always presented us with the best examples. Without preaching or lecturing, she showed us that we are all brothers and sisters and should always offer a hand when you can.

Baltimore was loaded with adventures to be had! Somehow, my mother always learned of opportunities to help us stay above water, At one point, the whole gang spent evenings cleaning trash out of parking lots. We had bags slung over our shoulders and stabbed paper, cups, cans, etc. with a stick with a nail on the end. It made quick work and gave us all pocket money for Sal’s. I spent time at the Boys and Girls club, where I learned about Duck Pin bowling learning to swim, and doing arts and crafts. A local photographer took modeling headshots of me (but when he said I might have to go to NY for that, I bailed with plenty of grumbling from my older brothers who were sure I could have made us all rich.) We spent our free time exploring what Baltimore had to offer. We tubed on the rivers, explored the streets and took advantage of every possible way to explore.

The mid to late 70s became rough in Baltimore. Because there was forced bussing in schools, there was a lot of tension in my older siblings’ Junior and High schools. Fists flew on a daily basis. My mother was very concerned about how this was affecting us and thought it was time for us to move on. We packed up our wonderful home and headed north.

We didn’t go far. We barely crossed the state line into Pennsylvania and landed in the middle of the woods. Thankfully, we were close enough that my mother commuted to her Baltimore job, we still saw our old friends and had many visits downtown. We still had the smell of McCormick seasoning in our noses and still knew how to properly crack and clean a blue crab, but it was pretty clear that our new home – while a short drive to our old one - was more than across that state line. It was another planet entirely.




Monday, September 9, 2024


I was never a great student. I mean, I was smart, I understood the lessons and was bright enough that I was in the talented and gifted classes. I was just bored enough with it all that I didn’t actually try very hard. Grades weren’t very important to me as long as I kept moving forward. That’s what I’ve done all my life. One foot in front of the other, just keep moving.

That’s always worked for me.  By just taking a step, I’ve had quite a journey, doing things, having adventures, and meeting people one could have never planned. Of course, there have been hurdles along the way but I’ve been able to leap them or reroute my travel around them. Even the obstacles have added to the story.

In the last few years, however, those speedbumps have become big, nasty monsters. With teeth! I still keep moving, but the battle rages on and it’s exhausting. Those who know me and love me have cheered me on from the sidelines. They’ve seen the struggle and ask how I keep going. I don’t have an answer.

Life requires me to keep forging ahead when I’d really just prefer to hide in a corner and weep. But that obviously won’t get me anywhere. I wake each day not knowing what the challenges will be but, since it’s a whole new day, I put my feet on the floor and start again.

In addition to parental stressors, car troubles, and regular daily dramas, I’ve been desperately seeking gainful employment for about two years. I have skills and experience in many areas. When I send my resume, it gets attention. I’ve had MANY interviews and been in the final running more times than I can count. Nothing happens after that. I’m still on the search.

My patience left the building a long time ago. My optimistic outlook has taken a beating. Pollyanna has black eyes and chipped teeth. My inner warrior went out for a smoke break but hasn’t returned yet. Fortunately, my sense of humor refuses to quit so I think we’re gonna get through this thing with passing grades, and stories to tell.

Still, I’d like a large break and a small nap.


Friday, July 5, 2024

Thank You, El Dorado...


I’ve mentioned this in passing, but never really went into detail. Lessons learned here have carried me through my life thus far so maybe I should drag it up from the trenches of my memories. I’m sure my older siblings remember things differently, but to my little kid self, this is how it was.

In the early 70s, my uncle Bill was living in Hagerstown, Maryland and was opening a new restaurant in nearby Edgewood. He needed help and reached out to my mother to bring her on board. She, being the workhorse she is, thought maybe it was time for something new and different for our family. Plans were made for us to head east!

I only recently learned this part of the story, but my big brother Tim went east first to find our new home. He and Bill toured many Baltimore houses and then he found our perfect new home. It was a short walk to the elementary school, on the bus route, and in the perfect neighborhood for our family. I don’t really remember any of the leaving the Midwest details but I definitely remember the excitement about our new home!

We knew it was bigger than our current home. We knew it was a Victorian style three story house with a screened front porch, built in window seats, and a back yard. We knew it was grander than we could imagine and it was exciting! I remember planning with my brother Rick on the drive east that we would share a room on the third floor and we’d load our window seat with Funyuns and Reeses Cups that would be all ours!

This was an adventure! We were moving with eight of our nine kids (Tim was already on the road as a working musician so he didn’t move with us) PLUS two extra teenage boys who were moving with us. What could go wrong?

This is where the movie folks would put in a record scratch sound.

As it turned out there was a paperwork glitch that meant we couldn’t get into our new Baltimore home. Thankfully, my uncle knew the man who owned the closed motel next to his restaurant site and we were allowed to move in there while we waited to get into our house. As I remember it, we travelled east during Spring Break so we had a little bit of time to enroll in schools and figure out next steps.

Remember, I said this motel had been closed for some time. This meant that luxuries like electricity and properly running water were not available. Still, to at least the younger kids in the family, it was kind of an adventure – like camping indoors! We ran extension cords for power and prepared meals with a camping stove, an electric griddle, and a popcorn popper. We explored all of the rooms and each had our own favorite nooks.

School started and we’d all pile into the station wagon for the 30-ish mile ride into Baltimore for the drop off at the elementary school, the junior high, and the high school. I don’t know what my mother did while we were there but since I was in kindergarten, I only had half days. She’d pick me up, and we’d go to a park or playground or something to eat sandwiches for lunch and explore the area while we waited for the older kids to be ready for pick up. Then, back to Edgewood, to do homework, make dinner, wash the dishes in the bathtub, explore the motel, etc. Lather, rinse, repeat. I’m not entirely sure how long we were there, but it was probably at least eight weeks before we could get into our Baltimore home.

As a grown up, I don’t know how my mother did this. I never saw her collapse. I’m sure it was hellish for the older kids. For me – and probably a few of my younger siblings – I have only fun memories of that time. It was an exciting adventure! We explored this strange place and made it fun. We wandered the neighborhood and went to the arcade and movie theater – we saw Jaws! We were a united team, we helped each other, and we turned our lemons into delicious lemonade.

Obviously, these things are all about perspective. I’m sure the older kids’ version won’t be as rainbow colored but my view was exciting and joyous. I know my mother is a badass and I stand in awe of her abilities.

I’m grateful for the skills I picked up by osmosis because I’m still able to improvise my way through hardships. For that, I thank my mother for taking a leap and the El Dorado Motor Lodge for catching us when we landed.

Friday, June 21, 2024

What's My Story...

 My baby will be 16 in 2 months. They announced to me – in all seriousness – that what they want from me for their 18th birthday is for me to write my life story for them to read, Huh?!?  I’ve been rattling off my old lady tales to my kids since they arrived and there’s never been any interest, Why now?

Further, how the heck do I do that? Yes, I’m a writer who writes but I don’t write my own story. I just live it. I’m not standing back, observing and taking notes. I’m busy living! Also, I’ve lived many different stories during my time on earth.  Which one do I tell?


I’ve always said that I’m not interesting. I’m interesting by proxy – meaning that I’ve often found myself in times and places where interesting things may have happened but I’ve always considered myself an observer in those situations. I’m rarely a participant.

I suppose that to begin at the beginning, I’d have to talk about my family, It’s well known that it’s large. That’s not unusual for the place and time. I came into a Germen Catholic Midwestern town. I was baby number nine in eleven years but my family certainly wasn’t the biggest on the block. My parents were too young for all of that – again, not unusual for the time and place – and they split when I was two.

That shifts focus to my mother and her wonderful family. Suddenly single, my mother went straight to work in a variety of roles. She had secretarial skills so she was chased around the desk by lecherous military officers at the airforce base. She was beautiful and a dancer so she modeled and taught dance. She and her mother both worked happily at the neighborhood library.

My grandparents were amazing role models and we loved to spend time with them learning. Learning to be kind humans, learning the value of hard work, learning to read when teachers gave up on some of us, and learning to shape our own routes when roadblocks arose. They were two of the smartest, kindest, warmest role models we could have and I’m so grateful for every second I had with them.

At home, I had six big brothers and two big sisters who included me in everything they did. When the boys were building giant club houses in the back yard, I handed them the nails. When my oldest brother left home to be a musician, he dragged us all along. My big sister dragged me along on some great adventures. Another brother included me on his path into the bluegrass world. Bill Monroe didn’t understand why that little girl wanted to see his tour bus, but he showed me around anyway. I had my own bed but I was more often than not snuggled up with a sibling in theirs. Bottom line was that we loved each other, we LIKED each other and spent as much time together as possible. So yes, there are stories to tell.

Moving forward, I relocated several times and had my own adventures. My careers have taken me to interesting places, meeting interesting people, doing interesting things. Over the years, my jobs have taken me to some beautiful (and some awful) places that all reside in my memory. I’ve crossed paths with some amazing characters and had magical moments with them all.  But I always came home to the safety of my family.

One day, I went to see Bo Diddley and was so impressed with the opening act that I emailed the band address to say how great they were. Little did I know, I was emailing my future husband/father of my children/partner in many adventures. That’s where the story shifted and new characters were introduced.

I don’t think I can write this story. There are so many sharp turns and plot twists that no reader would be able to follow. Yes, I’ve done a lot. Yes, I’ve shaken hands with greatness, yes, I’ve been in the room while amazing things happened but my book would require several volumes, the movie would require many sequels, and there are so many different vantage points that make it not entirely my story to tell.

I think I’ll just summarize by saying I’m enjoying the trip so far.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024



There are so many phrases about home that we all carry around in our heads. “Home is where the heart is.” “There’s no place like home.” And “You can’t go home again” That one has always bothered me. Why not!?!

I’ve moved a lot over my life and have always returned to those places I once lived – to visit relatives, old friends, and just to reminisce, I’ve enjoyed taking that walk down memory lane. Those flashbacks – and the stories they evoke – are a big part of who I am and who I came to be. If I read a book I love, sometimes I want to read it again.

Recently, I took a trip back to the place I’ve always thought of as my home town. I lived there in my formative teenage years and believe it shaped me. On this visit, I was there for a purpose but still made time to visit the old places that mattered to me. It was a little unsettling that those old favorites looked so different. Mostly, those changes were positive and made me happy to see.

I lived on the beach in those days but much of my activity was spent across the bay in the sleepy downtown. My high school was there, the old theater where we watched the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' and important offices were there, but there was nothing else really happening there. Then Hurricane Michael came and did some serious redecorating. What a change! I was there to take part in a film festival and was stunned by this shiny new downtown that looked so unfamiliar! I walked the streets and took in all the “used to bes” and “remember whens” and it felt good!

On the beach side, I certainly knew how to find my favorite haunts but nothing looked right! Where did that skyscraper come from and why is it blocking my view? Why are all of these new roads here? Where did all of these fast food restaurants come from and where are the mom and pop joints? Obviously, I knew that the old Petticoat Junction is now a Walmart and that the Miracle Strip Tower has been gone for years but seeing the Miracle Strip Amusement Park as a vacant parking lot still rattles me. What happened to the Magic Mountain?

On the beach, Mother Nature washed away my beloved sugar sands that squeak under my feet. Sure, new white sand had been brought in, but it’s not the same. Thankfully, Funland and Goofy Golf are still there, When they’re gone, I may never be able to come back with the same joy in my heart.

When I returned to the place I live, I remember that I’ve lived here, in this place, longer than I lived any place else. THIS is my home town, I guess. And over the last week, I’ve spent a lot of time in *different* regular places, surrounded by friends I’ve known for more than half my life, who gave me so much love and brought so much joy to my heart.

I guess home really IS where the heart is. The address doesn’t matter. The memories do. My family, my friends, and my love make any place HOME.